Senin, 11 Mei 2015


A long time ago there was royal chicken living in the midst of the forest. The kingdom was called the Kingdom ulebalang. But chicken antiquity to now different. Chicken-sized antiquity five times larger than the chicken now. And chicken antiquity can also talk like human beings. Chicken association has a king whose age is already old. She has a son that age is appropriate for marriage.

One day, King chicken ill with an elderly age. He called his son. "My son, do you know why I called you here?", "I did not know my father," his son replied with a sad expression. "I called you here because there are important things you should do" King said softly. The king's son a little stunned. "Whatever it is I will do as long as Dad can recover as usual". After that, King said while crying "Son, I'm getting older, and of course my age wane. Therefore, you look for a mate who is able to accompany your life with sincere and honest. "" Okay Dad, I will carry out this noble task. "Replied the king's son dutifully.

Since that time, the search for a mate for the king's son carried out by way of disguise. How this is done by the king's son in order to get someone who sincerely loves the king's son. Until the end, the king's son arrived in a village inhabited by dozens of chicken named village tracts. In the village there are chickens merchants very wealthy. Meanwhile, the king's son disguised as a job seeker. He ended up working as a maid in a rich merchant's house of the Kingdom. The magnificent house, the servants only work to collect the remaining rice straw and rice straw to separate the rice grains by using its beak. Rice straw collected in a grain sack and placed in a container.

One time, the Son of the King of thinking. He was disguised with the aim to find a mate is not to find a job. Then, she mused, what it will do next. Then, he took action to get out of his job. When he asked permission from the merchant, he was forbidden to leave the grounds because of his work. Merchants also promised to help find him a mate if he is still willing to trade the merchant house. Son of the king initially resisted doubt. But once convinced by the merchants, the king's son finally agree.

Because of the tenacity during her work, merchants fulfill the promise that he wants to match his son with his nephew. The king's son agrees on one condition, that the merchant's nephew had to promise to be someone who is loyal to the king's son until the end. The king's son did not want the wealth and beauty of the merchant's nephew. But just need a loyalty with genuine and sincere. So the message of the king's son was delivered by the merchant to his nephew. Nephew agreed. Having met the king's son and nephew merchants both feel comfortable with each other. Then, the king's son asked permission from the merchant to bring home his nephew to be introduced to the King.

After the king's son got his kingdom, he was greeted by the maids who were in his palace. Similarly, the king. After a few days, the marriage between the son of the king with merchant nephew held for 5 days, 5 nights. A few days after the wedding the king's son is completed, the king died at an elderly age. The deep sadness felt by all residents of the kingdom and its people.

Day after day passed. grief is felt princes increasingly profound. "Dad, I've been carrying out your last message. But, why did you leave me?", Lamented the melancholy king's son. Substitution throne took place still in the dumps. since then, the son of the king expresses his sadness by crying in the moments before the sun rises on the eastern horizon. which until now was crying term is often referred to as crowing.


         “ding-dong… ding-dong … ding-dong …………” suarane bel sekolah nalika bali. Sakwise bel, aku lan kanca-kancaku banjur berdo’a lan baris nyalami gurune. Banjur kui mulih bebarengan. Sekolahku lumayan adoh seko omahku. Amergane aku seko ngomah tekan sekolahan nge-pit. Untung wae aku nge-pit ono kancane. Sakhurunge bali aku janjian karo kancaku nek sesuk esuk mangkat sekolah bareng. ”Din, sesuk mangkate sekolah pada barengan yo ?”, omonge Rina. “iyo, lha sesuk arep mangkat jam pira?”, takonku. Rina mangsuli, “yo sesuk sekitar jam 06.15 yo ?”, “iyo.” wangsulku. Sakwise kui aku lan kancaku bali.
Tekan ngomah, aku langsung ganti. Aku ndelok jam kaget, amarga wes jam 14.30. Sakbanjure, aku wudhu arep shalat luhur. Sakwise shalat Luhur, Aku langsung tumuju ana ing ngarep tv. Nganti tekan jam 16.00. Aku wudhu meneh mergane arep shalat Ashar. Sakbanjure shalat Ashar, Aku ngerti adhiku dolanan game computer. Aku banjur melu-malu ngegame. ”Dek, aku tak melu ngegame yo ?”, takonku marang adhiku. Adhiku langsung njawab “yo mbak.”. Lagi asik-asik ngegame, ana suara : “Dina…………mreneo ngewangi Ibu”, ”inggih bu..”, jawabku. Jebulane, aku dijeluk ibu amerga didhawuhi ibu ngewangi nggawe buka. Sakwise nggawe bukane arep rampung, aku adus dhisik merga arep melu ngaji. Sakwise adus aku dandan banjur mangkat neng masjid.
Tekan  masjid, aku langsung nusul ngaji amerga wus telat. Ngajine nganti tekan maghrib. Dadine buka puasane neng masjid. Sakbanjure buka, langsung dilaksana’ake shalat maghrib berjamaah. Banjur mulih. Tekan omah, aku neruske buka nganti tekan adzan Isya’. Banjur kui mangkat meneh ing masjid merga arep nglaksanaake shalat Isya’ lan shalat Tarawih. Sakwise shalat Tarawih, aku lan kanca-kancaku banjur melu kegiatan tadarus Al-Qur’an. Tadarus Al-Qur’an iku nganti tekan jam 22.30. Sakbanjure aku bali.
Tekan omah, mataku ora iso diajak kompromi. Tekan kamar tanpa nyopot sandal lan rukuh aku langsung turu. Esuke aku digugah bapakku. Merga diajak sahur. Sakwise sahur aku mangkat ing mesjid subuhan. Sakwise aku bali seko mesjid aku lagi njadwal. Trangane ana PR akeh banget. Aku kepeksa nggarap PR. Amerga aku nggarap PR karo teturon, aku wis rumangsa rada ngantuk banjur aku kebablasen turu meneh. Ngerti-ngerti tangi wes jam 06.30. Aku langsung adus. Aku adus mung 5 menit, gara-gara kesusu.
Sakbanjure adus, aku langsung siap-siap arep mangkat sekolah. Tasku langsung takslerepke. Aku banjur nganggo sepatu lan ngetokke pitku seko garasi. Aku langsung pamit Bapak lan Ibu. Sakbanjure aku langsung ngebut kepingin selak tekan tempat janjian. Sakwise tekan panggonan, ananging aku ora nemoni Rina. ”paling Rina wis dhisik, merga aku telat mangkat ing kene”, batinku. Sakwise ngono, aku langsung bablas mangkat neng sekolahan.

Sakbanjure tekan sekolahan, gerbange wis arep ditutup. Aku langsung nylonong mlebu. Taktinguk tengen lan kiwa wis ora ono wong. Dadine aku langsung markirke pitku kemau lan banjur mlebu kelas. Tekan ngarep lawang kelas, aku ndhodhok pintu. Bu Guru mangsuli “mlebet…”, aku langsung mbukak pintu lan ngomong “nyuwun pangapunten bu, kula telat…”, Bu Guru langsung ngendika, “yo orapopo, lingguha”, “nggihbu, matursuwun”, jawabku. Aku langsung milih jejere Rina .“Rin, maaf yo aku mau ora neng panggonan sing awakedewe omongke. Soale aku iki mau kerinan.”, omongku. Rina njawab, “orapopo yo…”. Bebarengan karo Rina ngomong ngono, aku dipanggil Ibu Guru, “ayo Dina maju ngerjakke PR no 1.”, ”inggih bu.”, jawabku. Aku banjur mbukak tas nggoleki buku. Ananging aku lagi kelingan menawa PRku mau isih neng tempat tidur. Rina ndelok aku bingung, banjur Rina takon, “ono opo to Din ?, kok koyo bingung ?”. aku njawab sejujure, “Rin, aku lali nggowo buku PR, iki kepie ?”, ”rasah kuatir, nyiliha bukuku wae”, omonge Rina. “Ya Allah,…walah, maturnuwun banget lho Rin”, omongku. “ayo Dina, gek dikerjakke”, printahe Bu Guru. Batinku, “Ya Allah matursuwun banget “.Aku janji, sesuk meneh yen ono PR arep tak garap sakwise mulih seko sekolah.